Sunday 1 October 2017

Book Design Templates.

Book Design Templates.

Click here to visit Book Design Templates.

Self-publishing expert Tracy Atkins has created an amazing set of tools and methods to publish and optimize your book on Amazon the right way. By following the simple to understand and use four-concept Amazon method, you will gain an in-depth understand of the real Amazon, and how you can get a significant advantage for your book over the competition. This toolkit includes step-by-step expert guidance on how to publish your print edition, Kindle eBook, and audiobook using Amazon’s publishing platforms CreateSpace, Kindle Direct Publishing, and ACX. Tracy also takes you through setting up your Author Central account so you can take control of your book’s Amazon product page and tweak it to perfection. We also include ten excellent worksheets and checklists to make the entire process easy to manage. This incredible toolkit shows you how to use every tool at your disposal to make powerful choices that will help you out-compete and sell more books on the world’s largest book retailer.

Book Design Templates.

Book Design Templates. Click here to visit Book Design Templates. Category: Amazon, Book Promotion take a tour I'm Ready to...